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Timely feedings,  dry diapers and soothing naps are details that we'll document and share with your family daily.  We are able to guarantee quality care with our low infant to teacher ratio of 3:1.  Yet, your baby will enjoy so much more!  Our infants are showered with Spanish lullabies, story times, on-going conversations and plenty of face time.  Sensory stimulation will enrich the connections in their growing brains through bubbles, mint walks and colorful garden exploration.  Babies use their mouths like adults use their eyes, so we make sure to sanitize all toys they explore in a daily disinfecting bin. 

Your baby will have various opportunities to develop fine and gross motor skills in rooms  designed with quality.  Bright, beautiful rooms are filled with safe wooden furniture to meet his/her needs. When your baby start to crawl they need homelike spaces filled with love and pictures of family.  Low seats, tables and shelves will support them as they start to cruise around the class without being lost behind the furniture. 

Detailed communication of your child's milestones and busy day at school will be captured and posted on a private social media platforms  so you are a part of it all.   Weekly updates are sent to help support school to home connections, along with a monthly newsletter. 

In short,  your newest addition to the family is given quality infant care.  We will follow your specific feeding instructions and other care details.  We offer expert advise to support the home to school transition for first time parents, that include bottle feeding observations, swaddling to promote self-soothing and sleep schedules that promote healthy habits.